How do I enable the Use Authenticator Additional Security Verification?


 "Use Authenticator” is a security verification method now available when logging in to myLakeland.

1. Setup your Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator with a personal Microsoft account or a personal Google account.

  1. Google Authenticator on Android
  2. Google Authenticator on iOS
  3. Microsoft Authenticator on Android and iOS

2. To enable the Use Authenticator option, login to myLakeland, click on Password in the upper right of the page.
Image of location of Password link

Step 3. Re-enter your myLakeland password and click Sign in.
Image of password field

4. Click on the Authenticator tab, then click Get Started and follow the prompts.
Image of Authenticator tab

Image of Choose a Security Method screen

Image of Set Up Authenticator screen

Image of Enter Confirmation Code screen

Image of green check box on Authenticator

5. Once complete, Use Authenticator will be an option for additional security verification.
Images of red arrow pointing to Use Authenticator and verification code



Article ID: 160171
Thu 2/1/24 10:53 AM
Thu 2/1/24 4:13 PM