1. To manage your account via the web, go to https://go.schoolmessenger.com/ and click on Log in.
2. Enter your Lakeland email address and the password you chose when you signed up.

3. On your first login, you will be prompted to enter your First name, Last name, and Role (parent, teacher, student). Then, click DONE.

4. To make changes to your message preferences and add additional contact phone numbers and email addresses, click on your name in the upper right of the page. Then, click on Preferences.

5. From this page you will have several different options:
- To add additional contact phone numbers and email addresses, click on Add more next to My contact information. Then, choose Add a phone or Add an email address.
- To manage how you are contacted via your phone and/or email, click on them within the My contact information section.
- To change your message preferences, you can click on EMERGENCY, College Closings and General Police and choose your method of contact per notification type by clicking on the green check buttons. Then, Save.