How do I edit the rubric grid?


Edit the rubric grid so it corresponds to the type of feedback and scoring appropriate for the assignment. Once a rubric is used for grading, you cannot edit it. You can copy the rubric to create a duplicate rubric that you can edit.

NOTE: Each cell has a 1000-character limit. You can reorder rows and columns by clicking the reordering functions located above the labels.

  1. Click Add Row to add a new criterion at the bottom of the grid.
  2. Click Add Column to add a new level of achievement at the right side of the grid.
  3. Choose a Rubric Type from the drop-down list:
    • No Points - Feedback only.
    • Points - Single point value for each Level of Achievement.
    • Point Range - Range of values for each Level of Achievement.
    • Percent - Flexible depending on each assignment's possible points.
    • Percent Range - Range of values for each Level of Achievement. During the grading process, you select the appropriate percentage level for a particular Level of Achievement and the system calculates the points earned by multiplying the weight x achievement percentage x item points.
  4. To change the name of a row or column put your cursor on the name, click the options menu (gray circle) and select Edit.
  5. Type a point or percentage value for each cell.
  6. Type a description in the cell defining the criteria and the associated Level of Achievement.
  7. Click Submit.



Article ID: 160043
Tue 1/30/24 11:30 AM
Tue 1/30/24 11:30 AM