How do I drop the lowest grade?


Step 1: Navigate to the full grade center. Select ‘Edit Column Information’ from either the ‘Total’ or ‘Weighted Total’ column, whichever you use for final grades. (In this example I am using the Total column.) 

Step 2: Within ‘Edit the Column’ select ‘Selected Columns and Categories’ from option 3 'Select Columns'.

This will open new options which you will use to select columns and/or categories.

Note: When you highlight a category look below that box, under category information, to verify all assignments you wish to include are in that category. If there are any columns you want to include in the group that are not already there by default, you will need to edit the category of the missing column under ‘edit column information’ from within the full grade center.

Step 3: Select the desired category and use the chevron to the right to move it into the selected columns box. After moving the column over it should appear as below.

Step 4: Select the option for ‘Drop Grades’ and enter the number of lowest or highest grades you wish to drop from the final grade.

Step 5: Since you are now using only selected columns in your total and not all columns you will need to move over all other columns or categories as well. (Do not move individual assignment or test columns if they are already in a category.)

Step 6: Submit the changes.



Article ID: 160032
Tue 1/30/24 11:19 AM
Tue 1/30/24 11:19 AM