How do I create a Column in the Grade Center?

NOTE: Grade columns are automatically created when you create a gradable item in Blackboard. You should only manually create grade columns when the submissions are not associated with an item in the course.

  • For assignments that are not graded in Learn you can add columns in the grade center by using the Create Column function. To do so:
    1. Go to Control Panel>Grade Center> Full Grade Center.
    2. Click on Create Column tab.
    3. Enter the Column Name.
    4. You can enter the same name or a shorter name in the Grade Center Name field.
    5. The Primary Display field shows the format in which grades will be displayed to students. Score or numeric grade is the default format. If you need a different format you can select it from the drop-down menu.
    6. The Secondary Display field shows the format in which the grades will appear in the grade center. You can make a selection in the Secondary Display or leave it as the default.
    7. You can associate this column with a category by making a selection.
    8. Type the total points in the Points Possible box.
    9. If this column will be included in the final grade calculations leave the default to Yes.
    10. By default this column is visible to students. Select No if you want the column hidden from students.
    11. If you need statistical data for this column select Yes otherwise leave it at the default setting. Click Submit to add the column.
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